Restaurant Interior Design Trends

Restaurant Interior Design

The word from interior designers who see a lot of different restaurant designs come and go over the years is that those dark – and somewhat morbid – colour schemes known as industrial chic are going out in favour of the light and bright. Who wants to sit in a dark cave to eat anyway? Here are 8 more hot trends in restaurant design that will delight and inspire you.

  • Let there be light. Lighting that does its job is more in favour these days. It is brighter while still giving an intimate feel to the setting.
  • Adding to the light and bright look are the pastel colours that have now gained favour for restaurant design and decor. These offer a light and airy feel that everyone enjoys.
  • Sustainability can be seen in every area of the latest interior designs for restaurant, from the use of natural materials for the furnishings, walls, ceilings and furniture. Marble, stone and timber elements are incorporated into decorative elements as well as the essentials such as floor and walls.
  • Handmade artisan tiles from the local area are now emerging from the amenities rooms to decorate splash backs on bars and perform new work as table and bench tops.

  • Part of the natural look is going green with lush plants and grass walls inside. Where actual plants are not possible, the look can still be there with floral or plant decorated wall paper and the theme echoed in accessories such as wall art and lamps.
  • Design trends are much more casual, reflecting the comfort of home with seating such as sofas and dining chairs that look and feel more like easy chairs. After a hard day’s work, who wants to sit on a straight backed chair with a hard seat?
  • Some designers see a comeback to neon lighting happening. Inspiring a retro feel, the new neon is of different colours, making it edgy and giving it a more contemporary feel as well as lighting up dark spaces.
  • In past years most restaurants went for that busy, overstuffed, classic restaurant style with little space between tables. That will soon become a thing of the past, with restaurant owners now preferring a more spacious, streamlined approach that is reminiscent of a luxurious residential space.

Of course, redecorating a restaurant is not cheap. Many owners opt to change things a little bit at a time as much to spread out the cost as to ensure their customers are not turned away by the sudden lack of something they were familiar with and loved. Becoming too trendy with interior design means when it suddenly goes out of fashion you’ll be up for yet another makeover, so choosing design that is classic and timeless rather than trendy  may be the best way to go.

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