7 Reasons You Should Use A Professional Landscape Designer To Design Your New Garden

7 Reasons You Should Use A Professional Landscape Designer To Design Your New Garden

There are many ways in which you can have a design created for a landscaped garden, but if you want it to be done as it should so that the finished garden is one you are delighted with, then you must entrust the design to professional landscape architects. Whilst professional gardeners and others with design skills might be able to offer suggestions and tips, ultimately the design of a newly landscaped garden requires the skills and experience of landscape designers.

We are not just saying that because they are the best person for the job, but because there are several reasons why you want a landscape architect to design your new garden. To back up that statement here are seven of those reasons we hope will help to convince you that a landscape architect is who you must call upon to have your landscaped garden designed.

Reason #1 – Landscape Architects Can Generate Lots Of Design Ideas For Your New Garden

Not every homeowner is going to burst forth with tons of ideas for their garden and the good news is they do not have to. They might have some preferences but when it comes to bringing a range of ideas to the table, a landscape architect will have plenty of them based on their experience of knowing what has worked in the gardens of previous landscaping clients.

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5 Reasons Why Homeowners Absolutely Love Glass Balustrading

5 Reasons Why Homeowners Absolutely Love Glass Balustrading

If you were to carry out a survey of homeowners and ask them what their favourite improvement to their home has been, we are certain that many of them would reply that it was the installation of glass balustrading. It is also true that if you were to ask several homeowners about glass balustrading there will be some who have no idea what it is or may know it by another name

Just in case you fall into that second group, we should explain that you are more than likely to have seen glass balustrading in your office building, in public buildings you have visited or even in the homes of your friends, probably without releasing what it was called. In short, glass balustrading is a barrier system that consists of a series of glass panels, which are held in place by supports called balustrades.

Uses of glass balustrading include fencing, demarcation of interior and exterior areas, swimming pool barriers, sidings for stairs, and balcony surrounds, to name but a few. Whilst they have many commercial uses, the use of glass balustrading for the improvement of the interior and exterior of homes has grown enormously popular. Read on and you will discover why glass balustrading is loved by so many homeowners.

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5 Reasons You Should Hire A Landscaping Designer

5 Reasons You Should Hire A Landscaping Designer

If you have been considering redeveloping your garden, and if one of the thoughts you have had was to incorporate landscaping into your plans, then we congratulate you. Landscape designs can completely transform what some would classify as an ‘ordinary garden’ into a stunning and joyful area within your property.

Where many people’s dream of having a stunning garden ends is when they sit down to try to actually design it. Turning some of the ideas you have into a viable landscape design is not always easy, and questions may arise as to whether any of your ideas can actually work out.

The solution to you giving yourself a headache trying to work it all out yourself is to pass the responsibility for the landscaping project, to a professional landscape designer. While this may obviously add some costs to the project, these should more accurately be described as an investment in the project, given all the advantages that a landscape designer can offer you, 5 of which we outline below.

They Have Knowledge and Experience

Ok, strictly speaking that is two but they both come under the umbrella of a landscape designer being someone that will know exactly how to create a viable and workable landscape design. They will be able to call on their previous experience of designs that they may have created to overcome difficult scenarios such as strange-shaped gardens or with limited space.

They will also be able to advise you on what materials might be used, confirm whether any of your own ideas are feasible, and they will also know ways in which the design can be created and implemented in the quickest way possible.

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5 Ways to Light Up Your Backyard

Backyard Lighting

When you got involved in the landscape design process of your property, you probably thought about everything from plant varieties to pathways, but did you consider lighting? For a variety of reasons, backyard lighting can be an integral part of any landscape design. Read on to learn what might be worth your consideration.

Pathway Lighting

Pathways around your property should be something you can navigate safely at any time of the day or night. However, without appropriate lighting, they’re not. If you have paths leading around your home, to features, and even around the back of your property, then consider pathway lighting.

Not only does it look beautiful at night, but it provides a clear passageway for safety. What’s more, there are plenty of options available. You can opt for solar LED lights that harness their energy from the sun or 12-volt lights. Consult your local landscaping team to find out what might be the best type for you.

Security Lighting

In the 2018 to 2019 period, 231,000 Australians reported having their home broken into. While you won’t always be able to prevent that, having security lighting can undoubtedly act as a deterrent.

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How Can Glass Pool Fencing Design Improve Your Quality Of Life?

Glass Pool Fencing Design

Choosing the right landscaping elements for your lifestyle is extremely important when it comes to making sure that you’re living the best life possible. People throughout Australia include swimming pools in their landscape plan, which means that they need to include at least some form of pool fencing.

A lot of people would agree that glass pool fencing is probably the best option out of all the different pool fence styles. Glass pool fences are stylish, relatively easy to maintain and keep clean and very durable. When used right, they will almost certainly improve your quality of living.

But how can they do this?

A Glass Pool Fence Will Open Up Your Yard

One of the best things about glass fences is the feeling of space that they offer. Traditional pool fences that are made out of plastic or metal effectively enclose a section of your yard, which can make it seem like you’ve got less space than you actually do.

If you’re backyard is already small, a solid fence can block out some of the light, making your yard appear dull and shaded. This can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety, especially in winter when the weather is naturally grey. Using a glass fence will help your yard be as open as possible, letting more light in and brightening up your life.

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Storage Design: How to Create Storage Solution in Your Landscape Design

Homeowners face one significant problem when they are working on their landscape design space. You want to pack in as many features as possible, but where are you going to put all your outdoor equipment and tools? It can be challenging to strike a happy balance. While a landscaper can help work out a plan of attack, you can also consider these storage solutions below.

Garden Trunks

garden trunk design

If you have a few bits and bobs you need to store outside, such as outdoor cushions and a few hand tools, then garden trunks from your local gardening store could be an option for you. Many homeowners put garden trunks around the outer edges of their garden where they will be out of sight and out of mind.

They can be metal, plastic, or wood, and often come with handles and a locking mechanism for security and portability. The best part about a garden trunk is they are affordable. You don’t have to invest too much money in outdoor storage if you don’t want to.

Wall Boxes

Many things a homeowner uses regularly can look unsightly in your yard. From the tangled mess of a garden hose to necessary garden tools  they can all get in the way and look untidy. Wall boxes, which are storage boxes you install on your outside walls, could solve these problems.

You can place them somewhere discrete and put all those useful tools you own inside them. These boxes are often small but can transform the appearance of your outdoor area with minimal effort.

Bench Seating

bench seating design

An entertainment area is often a must-have addition in any homeowner’s landscape design, but often at the sacrifice of storage space. Don’t make your relaxation spot any smaller; just get smart with storage. Bench seating can both form part of your patio and become a storage facility. The top can have cushioning, which then lifts to reveal a box underneath.

Bench seating comes in many shapes, sizes, and styles, which means you can have almost no trouble at all trying to find something to suit your property’s unique look.

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Why You Shouldn’t Neglect Your Landscape Design

Landscape Design

After the excitement of landscape design and the final product wears off, you may find yourself spending less time tinkering in your yard than you should. You may begin to neglect pulling the weeds out as often as you should, or you might not spare a thought for the outdoor furniture wasting away in your fresh new patio area.

Neglecting your new landscaping according to divinelandscapes.com.au is one of the worst things you can do for yourself, your family, and your property. As most landscaping experts will tell you, it’s one of your property’s most significant assets. Look after it, or the following might happen…

It Could Bring Down Your Home’s Value

First impressions count for a lot in real estate, and failure to maintain your gardens and invest in your landscaping can bring your value down significantly. It can even have more of an impact than you think. Overseas experts suggest that landscaping can account for a return-on-investment between 100 percent and 1,000 percent. That’s a lot of money just by taking the time to look after the backyard you may have spent hours creating.

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Landscape Design and our Future

Landscape Design

Our time in the outdoors is always something we treasure. It’s a puzzle then as to why we devote so little time to better landscape design.

It’s interesting to work out what value we place on the great outdoors. If you ask people to talk about their visits to cities like Melbourne, Sydney, New York or Paris, and what they liked most about being there, most would answer that their best experiences involved the outdoors. Memories of a city visit or a trip into the wild have little in common apart from being outdoors.

Better Lifestyle

Studies by Landscape architects have shown that individuals live a healthier and happier life in areas where they can experience nature and the green urban spaces. Landscaping design of outdoor spaces is one of the cheapest you can do, and provides the highest return on investment. We’re talking about community life, health and wellness as well as the surrounding businesses. More people are making the move back into cities, and green public spaces and colourful streetscapes are attracting factors.

Indoors V Outdoors

In spite of this, we have the tendency to provide greater financial support to buildings and interior decorating than we do to outdoor spaces. Values are set as to how many dollars a square foot costs for buildings, but we don’t apply the same for the outdoors. Isn’t it time we made a strong business case for the landscaping design of outdoor spaces? How can it be done? The first step is to utilise the combined skills of talented landscape designers and architects who are the best able to design and create amazing outdoor areas.

Utilising Landscape Designers

If ever there was a time in history for landscape designers to speak up, then this is it. Landscape design is a profession that works on a holistic basis. They have the ability to interface and mesh the natural environment with the built environment. Give them an inch and they will take the mile in providing leadership for shaping spaces outdoors and also making the public aware of them.

There are virtually hundreds of talented and inspired landscape designers who can lend their vision and design to outdoor spaces.

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Shade Sail Design For Your Business

Shade Sail Design for Business

When you have a business it is important for your customers to feel welcomed and to be comfortable when they are there.  In a hot climate, shade sails from Shade Sails Perth can be really helpful in keeping the building cooler and reducing the glare from those large shop windows so customers have an enjoyable shopping experience.

There are many advantages to adding a sail to the outside of your business premises.

  • They cut the glare from your display windows, especially good if they are facing west.
  • By throwing shade over display windows, the goods that are on display are protected from excessive heat and from fading; important for clothing displays, or anything else made from fabric that can fade in sunlight.
  • Shade cloth outside can make a pleasant place for customers to wait, or to sit and enjoy their coffee or cold drink if you have a coffee shop.
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4 Ideas to Make Your Landscaping Pop

Landscaping Designs

Proper landscaping around your home enhances the street appeal, makes it more attractive and utilises all those small or narrow spaces that are otherwise never used.  By using your imagination and thinking outside the box you will be able to make every part of your garden and lawn look amazing and get the best use out of it all instead of only some of it. Even narrow or very shady parts at the side of the home can be renovated so that they look wonderful instead of like the town dump.

Here are 4 landscape ideas to make your Landscape Design pop.

  1. Add a water feature – there are many water features that do not take much effort or skill to install. Even a small backyard will rock with a water feature installed on the fence or wherever you want it. You can even have one on the back deck. Water features can be as simple as a half a wine keg filled with water, a plant and a fish. It can be a column topped with a glistening ball, a waterfall running into a pool, a statue with a spray of water coming from it or a set of three tipped up buckets that water drips out of. Simple or complicated, water in the garden will certainly make it pop.
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Garden Design

Garden Design

There’s nothing like a good old-fashioned garden mаkеоvеr, plants here, paths there, turf over the main area, оr a more creative landscaping job that garden landscapers just love to do. Well, that’s what they tell us and hope we believe. Garden landscapers are real outdoors-type blokes, tanned legs and arms that are always exposed to the sun, and they are a hardy breed of men who were probably seen more often hanging off scaffolding structures making suggestive remarks tо lаdіеѕ раѕѕіng іn the streets bеlоw. Well, they used to, but it’s politically incorrect to do that. As that famous singer pointed out, the tіmеѕ they are a-сhаngіng.

Landscaper’s Knowledge

A properly qualified garden landscaper needs to be a bit more than a person that builds a few garden beds and fills a few planters. It’s a competitive business and customers are looking for an expert who can transform their yards into something that will grace the front cover of Better Homes and Gardens. Fountains, ponds, and waterfalls are common enough requests from homeowners looking for a nice, peaceful place in which they can relax after work.

His Assistants

The garden landscaper is more like a technician now, a person who needs specific skills and certainly a lot more knowledge with regard to irrigation, garden lighting, pond and waterfall formation, water pumps and of course, the most suitable plants and lawn to put into your garden for the very best effects. The best landscapers are able to call on other trades as required such as electricians, horticulturists, fencing contractors and they need to know all about the garden machinery that is used to make your garden dream turn into reality.

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7 Tips for Landscape Design

Landscape Design

Landscape design is all about making the best of your property, whether it is small or large, rectangular or an odd shape, sloping or flat. If you are working out what you want by yourself, the best idea is to take it slowly, especially if you’ve just moved in and are not sure about the prevailing wind direction, soil type or exactly what you want.Landscape DesignIf you rush the process it is highly likely that you will inadvertently make mistakes and some of them can be difficult or costly to fix later on. For instance, planting a tree in the wrong position; you’ll either have to cut it down or have it pulled out. Worse still, if you had concrete or tiles laid somewhere and then found it was not the best spot due to heat or wind.

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Great Landscape Design and Time for Leisure

Everyone loves to have some kind of landscaping for their property to enhance their own enjoyment and make the place attractive to others.  However, garden chores are often heavy and time consuming, and if you work all day you might prefer to keep your weekends for playing sport or just relaxing rather than weeding, mowing and doing all of those other  never-ending gardening chores. There are several ways you can have the best of both worlds; great landscaping and time for leisure as well. How?

Lower the Maintenance

First off, you need to plan your garden to be a low maintenance one. This means forget the annuals that are so showy and need to be planted, watered and weeded every season. Instead, find perennials or permanent shrubs and bushes that offer attractive flowers, seedpods, autumn foliage and bark so that your garden will have something of interest in it all year round. If you dearly love annuals, grow a few in pots that are quick and easy to replace. Garden Design Photo Courtesy of LandscapesWA

Low Maintenance Landscaping Ideas

Shape Rather Than Colour

Think in terms of shape and different shades of green to give the visual interest you need. Have plants with narrow, spiky leaves, fat round leaves, tiny oval leaves – and so on. Many plants have multi-coloured or variegated leaves and flowers and new leaf growth that is pink. Have tall and short, erect and weeping types of plants; deciduous and evergreen. Choose trees and shrubs that do not have large seedpods to drop over your lawn and look untidy. Read more: Deciduous and Evergreen Trees

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