Why A Proper Business Card Design Is Still Important To Your Branding

Business Card

In these days of online marketing, you may be forgiven for thinking that having a properly designed business card is no longer an important part of your branding. Well you would be wrong. A business card may not have the high-tech appeal of a Facebook page or a YouTube channel but remember, not every business interaction or meeting takes place online.

As a business owner, it is highly likely that you will encounter potential business associates and customers in the world that exists offline. In these scenarios, if your business card is just a boring old piece of card, or worse if you haven’t even bothered to create a business card, you and your business are at a huge disadvantage to those businesses and business owners who have had the foresight to create a business card to use as one of their branding tools.

So now that you know you must have a business card to help brand your business, here are simple rules in terms of its design to ensure it does so effectively.

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Graphics and Visuals – Can they improve the attractiveness of your website

Go viral with a difference with engaging graphics and visuals! The success of sensory marketing is largely based on its visual appeal. A lengthy chunk of text, even if it is exceptionally well written, can bore the readers after a while. On the contrary, people tend to retain 50% more information when it is presented to them in the form of enticing graphics and visual cues.

We humans like to believe what we see and perhaps this is the primary factor that does wonders. More and more digital agencies are starting to realize that humans are likely to retain more information when it is presented to them in the form of interactive graphics and engaging visuals than in the form of simple boring text which just shows how much of an impact visuals and graphics can have on human mind.

Visual Storytelling – The Art of Communicating through Visual Cues

Because seeing is believing!

Telling the story of your brand is not an easy task for most businesses. Start ups in particular find it difficult to communicate effectively with their target market. Writing your ideas is one thing but demonstrating your brand to the world using creative graphics and visuals is an altogether different dimension.

So why go for tried and tested boring marketing tactics when you can offer your target audience with much more? Visuals and graphics therefore offer a great way of getting the customer a glimpse of what you’re offering to them to help them satisfy their needs, how they can avail your services and what makes you different from others.

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